We're coming to Stuff Your Stockings

That's right, gifts from us. All you have to do is click on some links on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. Want some low-down and dirty rock and roll themes Horror and Noir? Rock and Noirror Book 1 is Free ! Free! Need some Jesus Saves, Satan Invests style Action-Noir? What Would Janet Do - Jesus Saves, Satan Invests 2 is Free! Free! Just for fun The Lion, the Bitch, and the War on Everyone - Jesus Saves, Satan Invests 3 is only a dollar for a limited time starting on the day after Christmas. Damn Near Free. Feel like hitting the bar but are snowed in? A Night at Swinging Dicks is Free this Holiday Weekend. Free! Prefer to go somewhere warm? You can go to Hell , seriously the weather is great down there this time of year. The toll for that highway is currently under a dollar for the Hellogy which covers the first three books in the Hell saga. That's right three books for .99 on your e-reader. ...