Booze Break
Both fans of the podcast may have noticed there is no new episode this week. Good news is we are going to bring out new episodes, but we will be on hiatus the next couple of weeks as we spend time drinking . . .I mean preparing for the next set of episodes. Even more good news is this is not one of those pop culture current events type podcasts which age faster than milk left in the sun, no reason for those of you (and there are a lot of you) unfamiliar with the show not to go back and listen to the entire Camp Hendrix saga while you are waiting. Even more good news, we are still going to do some flash fiction episodes. If you have some a thousand words or less falling under the broad category of pulp fiction, send it our way (it can be something previously published). We’ll read it the way only we can on the podcast (give it a listen to see what we mean, though we plan to be even better) and throw in a plug for whatever projects you have going. Basically in exchange for some kick ass fiction we will pimp your latest book or anything else on the podcast. Send fiction to Anyway keep an eye out for the new ‘season’ as we go back to the 80’s with some Todd Morr style crime fiction.
10th Rule Books Old School Radio Serial Podcast
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