Free Sample Saturday is back, bitches

We've got a bit of Todd Morr's latest horror novella The New Mexico Institute of Re-Animation for you on the return of Free Sample Saturday. Enjoy.

Chapter 1 - Ashley and Bandsaw Bobby
“Remember what we talked about honey, don’t look into his eyes.  The eyes will fool you and
make you think he’s a human being like you and me, but he’s not. Aim for his chest and then
squeeze the trigger, just like we did at the range.”
Ashley nodded and help out her hand. Her father passed her the unloaded Glock 17 and then a
magazine full of nine-millimeter cartridges.
“You know, you don’t have to do this,” James said to his teenage daughter.   
Denise gave James a harsh look, she didn’t come all the way out here to see the little brat back down.
James gave her a wink and a reassuring nod.
Ashley acted like she didn’t notice the exchange between her father and his former secretary. She
tried, as always, to pretend Denise, who was closer to Ashley’s age than she was to her dads, didn’t
exist. It was becoming harder to do since Denise moved in. She and her dad claimed she was just a
friend helping out after the tragic death of James’s wife and Ashley’s mother, but Ashley heard her
moaning in the night while staying in her dad’s room enough times to know this was complete bullshit.
Ashley rubbed her thumb over the charm on her mothers necklace before she looked up and said,
“I want to.”
James nodded at his teenage daughter and then looked at Dr. Carpenter.
Dr. Carpenter pointed at the door and said, “Right through here Ashley. Don’t worry he can’t hurt
you,” he then turned to James and Denise and said, “You can observe in the next room if you’d like.”
James looked at his daughter and asked, “Is it okay if we watch?”
She shrugged and said, “You let us watch you when you killed him.”
James smiled, “Okay, I’ll be watching.”
Dr, Carpenter looked at Ashley again and said, “Remember, as per the contract, don’t shoot him in
the face. You can shoot him as many times as you like but other clients have paid for Mr. Burke and
damage to the face could ruin the experience.”
“Okay,” Ashley replied, “Can I shoot him anywhere else?”
“Of course.”
“Including the uh…”
“Groin area?”
“Of course,” Dr. Carpenter said as he opened the door and held it until Ashley stepped through.
James, Denise, and the doctor went into the observation room and looked through the two-way mirror
as Ashley stepped into the white room with clear plastic covering the industrial tile.  Other than the
plastic the room was empty. While it was clear they gave the room a good scrubbing down after each
session once inside the spots where blood splattered across the walls became more obvious.
“I don’t suppose my daughter is the first person to ask to shoot someone in the balls,” James asked as
he watched his kid slap the magazine into the butt of the Glock and chamber a round.
“Of course not. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to bring in, let’s say, objects to violate the
re-animated in ways one would not discuss in mixed company.”
Dr. Carpenter looked at Denise, who shrugged and said, “Don’t hold back my account.”
“Dildos,” Dr. Carpenter told them, “Big ones, for whatever reason usually black, as if the color makes
it worse.”
“Seriously?” James asked.
“Everyone has a different idea of revenge.”
Denise smiled, “It’s the way I’d do it.”
“So, then you guys have to kill them?” James asked as they brought six foot six inches and two
hundred and fifty pounds of Bandsaw Bobby Burke into the room with his daughter. Bandsaw was
strapped to a gurney, even though leather straps tied him down his arms and legs were still in irons.
“Sometimes,” Dr. Carpenter replied, “Other times they either bring an additional more conventional
weapon to finish or they do the deed with the object itself.”
Denise laughed at this, “Too bad Ashley didn’t ask to beat him to death with a big black rubber dick.
That would have been worth the trip.”
James turned his attention back to the room. It was just Ashley and Bandsaw Bobby in there now.
Ashley looked at the man who was dead until sometime this morning and asked him, “Why?”
“I thought they couldn’t talk,” Denise asked.
“They can’t,” Dr. Carpenter replied, “Even if he could I doubt the answer would be very satisfying.”
Bandsaw didn’t answer. He didn’t even look at her, even though the only things in the room were her,
him and the plastic on the floor. Bandsaw Bobby Burke did not seem to know she was there. Dr.
Carpenter had explained the process of dying was hard on brain function. They could get them
breathing, get the heart beating, even get them to walk around, but the mind was gone.  
Bandsaw Bobby drooled as he noticed he was not alone. He stopped moving his head, which was
really the only thing he could move and focused on the teenage girl standing across from him.
With him looking at her, Ashley asked, “Was it fun to kill my mom?”
As Ashley waited for an answer, Denise turned to James and said, “I think she’s going wimp out.
She’s stalling.”
“Give her a second babe, she’s tougher than she looks,” James told her.
Denise looked at Dr. Carpenter, “Is there a discount if she wimps out?”
“No, company policy is no refunds.”
“Seems kind of a rip-off.”
Dr. Carpenter shrugged, “I’m sorry you feel that way. We re-animate, that is what you, or rather Mr.
Henshaw, paid for. We completed our part of the contract.”
Before Denise could reply James stepped closer and rubbed her back as he said, “Come now
honeybunch, I think she’s going to do it.”
Bandsaw Bobby made a low humming sound as shook his head like he was saying no. He opened
his mouth wide and let his jaw hang so it swung back and forth. Ashley raised the gun and pulled the
trigger. She didn’t shoot him in the balls, instead went center mass, putting a nine-millimeter round
directly in the middle of Bobby’s chest.
Denise smiled, “Now that’s what I came to see. Did you see the blood fly out when he got hit?”
“Do you enjoy watching people get shot?” Dr. Carpenter asked.
“What are you implying?” Denise replied, “Is the guy who runs the ghoul factory judging me?”
“Just asking a question.”
James stepped in saying, “You have to understand, Denise and my wife were close. She wants to see
Bandsaw Bobby die as much as my daughter.”
Denise took a moment to suppress a giggle before saying, “Yeah.”
Bandsaw made a wheezing sound and looked at Ashley again. He looked curious before, but now he
looked surprised and hurt. Not physically hurt as much as emotionally, as if he had been betrayed. He
began to wheeze and bray at her. She shot him again.
He was still wheezing and braying when she put the third bullet through his chest. He stopped making
the noises and Ashley thought he might be dead when he let his head hang so his chin touched his bloody chest.
Instead, he looked up. Since his chin rested on his wounds his ashen face was covered in his own
blood. The sound he made could be described as an unintelligible moan, but Ashley thought she heard
the words, “Did you?”
She thought she might be hearing things but he kept repeating the sound and each time it sounded
more like “Did you?”
In the observation room, Denise thought the same thing, “I thought you said they don’t talk?”
Dr. Carpenter told her, “I never said they don’t make noise.”
Ashley raised the gun and took aim at Bandsaw’s chest, before asking, “Did I what?”
The noise changed, Ashley had to listen  a few times before she thought she heard him say, “Enjoy it.”
“Yes,” she told him as she pulled the trigger three more times, putting a slug through his chest with
every shot. He slumped his head so his chin touched his chest again.
Ashley held the gun at her side and pulled her phone out of her pocket. She walked over and made
sure she, her gun, and Bandsaw Bobby were on the screen before she took the picture.
She was looking at the picture when the gurney rattled behind her. She turned to see Bandsaw raise
his head. He opened his mouth and craned his neck. She stepped back as his teeth slammed together
in a futile attempt to bite her. She raised the pistol and fired three more times. This time he dropped his
head and didn’t raise back up.
Ashley whispered, “Thank you.” Even though he gave her a scare she was glad for the opportunity to
fire a few more slugs into him. Re-animation was expensive. Her father had made it clear this would be
the only time she could kill her mother’s murderer.
After Ashley left the room some men from the New Mexico Institute of Re-animation came in and
wheeled Bandsaw out. Ashley met her father, Denise, and Dr. Carpenter in the hall.
“How was it?” James asked as he held out his hand and took the gun from her.
“It was good.”
James nodded. The staff, including Dr. Carpenter, warned him the experience was not always as
satisfying as people thought it would be.  
“I think he talked to me,” Ashley said as they walked down the hall towards the lobby.
“Really?” James asked.
Dr. Carpenter shook his head as he said, “They make noise, but they don’t talk.”
“If you heard him…”
“I did.”
“He’s right,” James said, “We could see and hear everything.”
“You didn’t hear the words ‘Did You’ followed by ‘enjoy it’?”
“No, sorry honey.”
Ashley shrugged before saying, “Maybe I was hearing things. Are we still getting green chili
“Are you hungry after that?” James asked. The staff had also warned him the killing of a human
being, even one who was already dead a few hours ago could make a person nauseous.  
“Yeah, starving,” she told them.
Dr. Carpenter watched them go. They seemed satisfied customers. He didn’t let it show but he was
concerned about the noises the re-animated Bandsaw Bobby made and his attempt to bite her.
He was on his way back to his office where he could review the footage of Ashley’s visit when,
Trevor, one of the technicians who assisted with the re-animation process flagged him down.
The man held up a gold charm bracelet and said, “I think the client dropped this. Probably when she
took out her phone to take a picture.”
Carpenter took the bracelet and dropped it into his lab coat pocket, “I’ll let them know.”
By the time Carpenter made it to the exit Ashley and her father were gone. He went back inside and
had his secretary, Miss Strode call them.
After a brief conversation, she looked at Dr. Carpenter and asked, “Can they come back tomorrow
morning? Apparently, Denise is hungry.”
“I have a television interview and a client in the morning, but tell them I will leave it with Eddie at the
front desk.”
“Yes sir,” she said before putting the phone back to her ear.

Chapter 2 - Eddie and Bandsaw Bobby

“You sure you can do this?” Eddie asked Dr. Chandler as they made their way into the lab. Business
hours were over so other than security, which Eddie was a part of, though his shift didn’t start until
the morning, and Dr. Chandler, the Institute was deserted unless the dead counted.
Chandler nodded, “Yeah, I mean I couldn’t tell you how or why the solution works and I certainly
couldn’t make my own batch but I can administer it.  Any phlebotomist could pull it off. Hell, if I
remember correctly Bobby here used to be a phlebotomist himself before he decided to start collecting
body parts.”
“A what?”
“Phlebotomist, a person who draws blood. We have to run the solution directly into his veins.”
“You can’t just give him a shot?”
“No, it’s a tad more complicated than that,” Chandler said as they went into the room used for the
re-animation process, “Shut the door and lock it. If we get caught in here we’ll both be looking for new
jobs tomorrow.”
Eddie shut the door, “I want to thank you again for doing this. That bastard killed my niece, but I could
never afford to pay for this.”
“Thank me after we do this and don’t get caught. There should be some sort of employee discount
“I won’t argue that. I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate this.”
“No problem, if some sick bastard had done the things he did to your niece to mine I’d want a piece
of that asshole too,” Chandler said.
Eddie pointed at the body on the table, since Bandsaw was once again a corpse the leather straps and
shackles were gone.
“Is that him?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah, just as I figured the afternoon crew would leave him for the morning crew to deal with. Good
thing, we could never sneak him out of storage.”
Chandler moved closer and looked the body over. Bandsaw Bobby was shirtless and Chandler could
see fresh stitches where they had fixed the bullet holes.  
“Yeah, this is him for sure,” Chandler said.
“You had doubts?”
“They’re prepping the Townsend brothers in room two for a client, so I wanted to be sure it wasn’t
one of them. It would be a shame to kill the wrong guy.”
“I suppose it would, though those two would deserve it. They didn’t kill any of my family though,
so I’ll let someone else kill them again.” Eddie said as he watched Chandler bring an I.V. tree over to
the table.
After positioning the steel stand where he needed it to be Chandler went to a locked cabinet on the
other side of the room. He punched in a combination to unlock it and then retrieved two bags of
glowing neon blue fluid.
“Is there something I can do?” Eddie asked.
“Just get ready, when he wakes up you’re going to need to get right to work,” Chandler said as he
hooked the bags to the tree and then started connecting the bags to the port in Bandsaw Bobby’s arm.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be ready. I’ve been waiting to do this since they found her right arm.”
As the blue fluid began to pump into Bandsaw Bobby's veins Chandler pointed to the pistol holstered
on Eddie’s hip and said, “You know you can’t use that, right? It will make a mess.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said as he reached into his pants pocket and produced a butterfly knife. He twirled
it expertly and locked the blade into place before saying, “I’ve got this covered.”
“Good,” Chandler said as he went back to the cabinet and prepared a syringe with glowing green
fluid, “When I give him this shot he’s going to pop back into the world of the living. As soon as he
does I need you to send him back to the land of the dead.”
“No problem doc,” Eddie said as he moved closer to the body on the table. He flipped the blade so
he could hammer into the serial killer's heart and held it high, ready to strike the moment Bandsaw
Bobby Burke drew breath.
Chandler injected the green fluid into Bandsaw Bobby and stepped back. He turned his back on them
both, “If it’s alright with you I don’t want to watch.”  
Eddie nodded and then focused his attention on the dead man on the table. Eddie waited until the
serial killer opened his eyes before stepping forward and driving the blade into Bandsaw Bobby’s
bare chest.
Bandsaw made a sound which almost sounded like “Why?”
“Because you killed my niece you sick motherfucker,” Eddie said as he pulled the blade free and
raised his arm to stab Bandsaw again.
Bandsaw caught Eddie’s arm before he could bring the blade down a second time. As Eddie tried
to muscle the blade in Bandsaw Bobby's chest Bandsaw sat up enough to sink his teeth into Eddie's
hand. Bandsaw twisted his neck and gnawed deep into the fleshy part of Eddie’s palm. Eddie dropped
the knife as he tried to pull away.
Bandsaw never loosened his grip. Instead, he pulled back and came away with a mouthful of Eddie’s
flesh. He spit the chunk of Eddie’s hand into Eddie's face as he snatched the knife from Eddies hand.
Eddie was going for his pistol when Bandsaw stabbed him in the throat. Bandsaw twisted the blade
before he pulled it free. The blood gushed from Eddie’s neck like a fountain. Every beat of his
heart sent fresh blood spraying, most of it on Bandsaw. Eddie tried to stop the bleeding with his hands
but the pumping blood oozed out between his fingers.

Do you want to read the rest? Have an E-reader and a dollar? Then you're in luck.


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