Everybody wears shirts

Sadly it seems not everybody reads.
We have noticed, however, that just about everyone wears shirts.

That's right the 10th Rule Books Merch Shop is open for business.  Go get some stuff and be the first to sport some killer 10th Rule wear. Wear them while you're reading it will make the experience better*. Actually, wear them everywhere it is well know reading makes people smarter so while wearing our gear will not make you smarter it will make you look smarter*.

Oh, we still sell the pulp fiction that skips the boring parts, Including the 2nd book int he Jesus Saves, Satan Invests series W.W.J.D. - What Would Janet Do?

It also just happens that even though the most excellent Indie Crime Crawl is over that one is still just 5 bucks for a genuine paperback.

Be sure to stay tuned, because we've got another big announcement coming.

*Results may vary


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