Noirror? What the Hell is Noirror

Here's the cover, get your name on it

Yeah, what the Hell is Noirror.
Well, it's a word we made up.
Ever see those crime fiction anthologies dedicated to stories inspired by a band?
This one is kind of like that only since we call ourselves 'Pulp Fiction that skips the boring parts' and pulp fiction includes horror and crime so we thought ours should not be strictly crime (Rock -n- Noir) or Horror (Rock -n- Horror) thus, Rock -N- Noiirror.

So here's what we are looking for:

Short stories in the horror and crime genres that somehow involve rock, blues or heavy metal music. Not so much famous musician stuff but down and dirty bar band stuff (bonus points if you set it in Swinging Dick's Saloon). We want dive bar gigs instead of Stadium tours. Stories about the kind of places people do meth in the parking lot (Because it's not rock and roll if no one's doing crank in the parking lot).

Places like this only not near as nice

We want stories about the bands that didn't make it.  Dark is good, brutally dark is even better.

Like Yvette

The length should be between 1k and 10k words. If you think you have the perfect thing for this and it's longer than 10k pitch us the idea and we'll consider it. Otherwise, just email what you got.
We'd love to make everyone rich but right now payment is a couple of contributors copies and some 10th Rule swag.

Let's rock!

We will be accepting submissions through March or until we have enough.
Send your submissions to

Still not sure what we're looking for?
Check out this one, or this one, this one, this one, or even this one.


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