Indie Crime Crawl
This is a big hint as to why you should keep
reading to the end
The time has come for the first Indie Crime Crawl.
What the Hell is that you may ask. Well, it's a bunch of Indie crime publishers offering killer deals all week.
That right Down & Out Books, All Due Respect, Fahrenheit Press, Fahrenheit 13, and many more will be reducing the price on some of their kick-ass crime fiction 25% or more. Readers of this blog should be familiar with these guys since they have dominated our best of lists since we started making best of lists.
Just look for the hashtag Indie Crime Crawl on the twitter and to find the best indie crime fiction in the world (seriously).
We aren't just sitting on the sidelines for this one ourselves.
We are marking down all of our crime fiction to a dollar on Kindle and going to back to $6.66 or less on paperbacks for the entire week.
That means this one is only a dollar as an e-book
This one too.
Crime fiction from the wilds of Central California? We got that for a buck too.
What about Bodie Myers crime horror hybrid Hell series? Sure the purists may scoff but fuck them right?
Yep, right. All the Hell books are also only a buck all week.
Sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it? But we're not done not by a long shot.
Way back in 2014 Todd Morr and Spanking Pulp Press teamed up to publish a book called Jesus Saves, Satan Invests. Some people like it. In fact, badass crime writer (seriously read all his books) Mike Monson said:
"Todd Morr has done something incredible with Jesus Saves, Satan Invests... This book is simply one of the most wonderful crime books I've ever read."
Greg Barth author of the awesome Selena series (we've mentioned this series before) said:
"Jesus Saves, Satan Invests by Todd Morr is an impressive, fast-paced crime/action novel the likes of which we don't get often enough. The action starts early and does not stop... This novel reads in a cinematic fashion--think about movies like The Raid, or your favorite episode of Banshee--this is much like that. Janet quickly became one of my favorite crime protagonists to date. The action is so fast and constant, Jesus Saves, Satan Invests is like the literary equivalent of a double shot of Red Bull."
People would actually ask Todd when he was going to write another one and he finally did.
That's right for the Indie Crime Crawl we're bringing Janet and Felix back for another round of two-fisted, two gun trouble in W.W.J.D. (What Would Janet Do?)
We're also running this out on the Kindle for a mere 1.99 a solid 33% off the list price. Prefer the dead trees and dye route? Well, it's only five bucks. Yep, only five bucks for a paperback all week. Which is fucking ridiculous but we're doing it anyway.
Oh yeah, and while you're here don't forget to check out the podcast we'll be announcing some deals exclusively as well as featuring a short story from one of the minds behind the Indie Crime Crawl Eric Beetner (go read everything he's written, do it now you won't regret it).

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